Monthly Archives: January 2016

Welcomed Presence

2 Timothy 3:16-17. “All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.

This has always been one of my favorite scriptures, but until recently I had not truly grasp the depths of these words or seen them in action in someone else’s life.

Growing up in the church has afforded me the privilege of hearing all the stories within the Bible more than once. They unfortunately had become just that, stories with life lessons but never truly impacting me to see how they could reproof, instruct or be profitable to my current life; that is until by Bible study last week!

I am going through the study “How Jesus broke the rules to set you free” by Sharon Jaynes with a dear friend and sister in Christ. Our study last week was the story of the “sinful woman” who worshiped at Jesus feet , pouring expensive perfume and wiping His feet with her hair. A story I was very familiar with, but never impacted as much as I was this time around. I was at first taken back by the intense emotion and compassion that my friend spoke in when reflecting on this well-known story; however the more she unveiled her heart the more I began to understand that my friend had experienced this kind of love for Jesus,who had forgiven her sins and set her free from the chains of regret and shame. This story was coming to life right before my eyes in a person that was not some distant figure in a story from long ago, but a real person who had been at the feet of Jesus herself not in the physical sense like in the story, but in a spiritual encounter of total surrender to the only one who could bring her life more abundantly. I felt so exhilarated to be a part of this experience with her! My heart raced a little as I realized the magnitude of what was unfolding before me! This “Bible story” was breathing life into my very soul. I was understanding, for the first time,that this story was an example of the life God desired from ME!

Luke 7: 47 “therefore, I tell you, her many sins have been forgiven – for she loved much. But he who has been forgiven little loves little.

These words from the mouth of Jesus pierced me to the core!! I have been forgiven MUCH!!!!! But does my love for Jesus reflect that fact? Am I willing, with total abandonment, to fall at Jesus feet and pour out my very best to the one who has redeemed me? Not worried about what others will think, what the religious rules are but in reckless abandonment surrender to Him, adore Him, praise Him in all I do and say? He deserves no less.

I am that sinful woman; yet God adores me and welcomes me to sit at His feet, to worship at His feet, to bring my best and completely turn my life over to the one who can give me abundant joy!

It all begins with Love. God’s unconditional, immeasurable love for me and my acceptance of this Love which then infuses me with abundant joy that flows from my life and splashed on all that I encounter! Now that is living loved!

her many sins have been forgiven – for she loved much.”

Heavenly Father I so want to love you with reckless abandonment! To sit at your feet and worship and adore you for all you have done for me. I am so undeserving of this radical love you pour into my life!!! I am so grateful for the grace and mercy you have shown me. Forgive me for the times that I allow the expectations set by worldly rules to hinder my heart from fully embracing all you so selflessly give!!! I want to make you my number one priority and then everything else will fall into place! Thank you for never giving up on me. I love you! It is in the powerful name of Jesus I pray Amen!!

