Monthly Archives: February 2018

Is there power in your name?

What power does a name hold?  Have you ever stopped to think about names and the significance they have?  The first mans name was Adam, which is created from adamah (earth). He then named His wife Eve; meaning  mother of all living things.  God also brought every bird of the air and beast of the field to Adam to see what he would call them and whatever Adam called each living creature, that was it’s name (Genesis 2:19). This process gave distinction and recognition to the living creatures, distinguishing them from the “crowd”.

Names throughout the Bible had deep meaning and labeling potential.  A name your parent gave you was not flippantly given but came with great distinction and prophetic power as to who the person was.  This could be your greatest attribute or your Achilles heel!   Names hold more power than some of us ever realize.  It can be a fun exercise to research the meaning  and origin of your name.  It may give you a boost of confidence or make you wonder why in the world this name was chosen for you.   Although, in today’s culture, we do not place great significance on our birth name meanings.  We still “brand” people with names that can stick with them for life.  We are so often quick to label others by the mistakes they have made.  There is the cheater, thief, drunk, manipulator, slut, promiscuous, mean, shy, retarded, ugly…  The list is endless and relentless sometimes, in distinguishing us from the “crowd”.  These names are thrown at others.  Like stones that bruise and leave scars they can ultimately “kill” the true person they are created to be.  The power of a name is life altering, whether good or bad.  We either wear it proudly like a family crest or we cower in shame at the name that reflects our deepest regrets.   Our name can carry clout and power or shame and rejection.  Why, you may ask, would God have allowed names to have such a significant impact on our identity?  As in every aspect of the sinful nature and potential of life there is a light of hope provided by God.  This name situation is no exception.

“ and behold you will conceive in your womb and bring forth a Son, and shall call His name JESUS”. Luke 1:31

His name shall be called JESUS, name above ALL names!  With this name JESUS, comes power to move mountains and expel the darkness.  In the name of JESUS all other names lose their significance!  It is the name above ALL names.    If you accept JESUS into your life and surrender to HIm you then will bear the name CHILD OF GOD which reigns over all the other earthly names you have been given by choice or by designation.  You have a new name with a new bold claim.  You are called out by your earthly distinction to be claimed by your Heavenly Father.  He wants to give you your victorious name as His son or daughter.  This new name and it’s distinction makes you a glowing light, beaming in the “crowd”.  It replaces disgrace with grace and haughtiness with humility.  Operating within the name of JESUS gives you strength in your weakness and joy for your sorrows.    The name of JESUS and all that it encompasses is the name you want to inherit.  It is the “label” that is your gift to receive.

“To him who overcomes I will give some of the hidden manna to eat. And I will give him a white stone, and on the stone a new name written which no one knows except him who receives it”. Revelation 2:17

Jesus not only wants to give you the name, Child of God, He wants you to know Him on an intimate and personal level.  He wants to open your spiritual eyes to the words of life.  Feed you words of truth, love and healing to nourish your very soul. It does not end there my friend.   He says He will give you a NEW name that only the creator of the universe could give, that describes you in all His glory, a child reflecting the love and light of the Father.  A name only you and JESUS will know; but a name that will declare and distinguish you as the son or daughter of the Almighty King that you are!

What name will you choose to embrace today?  Will you accept JESUS as the redeemer and restorer of life that He is?   Will you surrender who you are to receive who He  says you are?  It does not matter what the world perceives you as; oh no, the only true reflection of yourself is who God deems you to be.  The creator naming the created and sealing the identity of His children.