Monthly Archives: September 2018

What I learned at the creek

God said, “My presence will go with you, I’ll see the journey to the end”.  Exodus 33:14 (The Message)

This Old Testament scripture is not just an Old Testament promise.  This promise is one we have upon acceptance of God as our Lord and Savior.  His presence is always with us.  He will see us to the end of our earthly journey and reveal His face to us in eternity.  A truth we can bank on!

My Labor Day camping trip gave me so much insight and wisdom in such a short weekend trip!  This is just another example of how God showed up and showed off.

Saturday morning we decided to venture outside the campground and see if we could find a place where Bryan could go fishing.  We both felt that this weekend was meant for refreshment and relaxation.  Bryan finds fishing very relaxing, me not so much.  So, I grabbed my book and planned to sit and read while he was fishing.  We went to a trail on a brochure we had picked up at the campground office that said it had a creek within a short walking distance.  Before we took all of our stuff we decided to walk back and see what the area looked like.  It was a total bust.  It lead to a tricking area of water that was a very long stretch to call it a “fishing creek”.  We headed back to the car and decided to just roll down the windows and enjoy the drive back towards the campground.  As we were driving Bryan heard the sound of water moving faster than a trickle and pulled off on the side of the road to investigate.  We were able to get down and work our way back to where the water sound was coming from.  It was  like finding a buried treasure as we had our own private creek to fish from and a perfect big flat rock for me to lay in the sunshine and read my book!  We went back to the car and retrieved the fishing gear, some drinking water and my book. Little did I know that God was going to meet us here.

I was finishing up a book a dear friend gave me,  Box of Butterflies by Roma Downey.  I opened up to where I had left of; the chapter title, A Space For Grace.  The beginning quote “ You cannot in one glance survey this most vast and beautiful system of the universe, in its wide expanse, without being completely overwhelmed by the boundless force of its brightness.”  John Calvin.  How those words resonated with me as I lay on the rock with a beautiful bright sun shinning down on me through the numerous trees, reflecting off the water that was beautifully sceranading me.  Then I read the first few sentences of this chapter.  “When life begins to get messy and chaotic and loud, I have to take time away.  I have to find a moment of stillness.  And I find that stillness through prayer and in nature.”    My heart skipped a beat.  These simple words were so profound to me.  You see we were in the midst of a 21 Days of Prayer challenge at our church.  I had been so desperately trying to make prayer a more predominant thing in my life; and here were the very words I needed to hear.  It continued to elaborate on this concept.  “It is only when we slow down that we are able to breathe. To connect with the spirit of God.  To hear God.  It is only in that peace that we can see the butterfly and notice the miracles unfolding all around.”

I placed the book on my stomach and took a moment of stillness to absorb all that God was speaking to my spirit.   Yes.  I knew I so desperately needed stillness.  My life had gotten so overly consumed with stuff that I could not truly enjoy the moments of prayer or anything else for that matter.  Here in this stillness, in nature, I was able to connect with the spirit of God and allow Him to give me clarity.  To restore me.  To reveal the truth surrounding me and allow the worries of yesterday and tomorrow to fade completely away, allowing me to be present in the here and now.

I glanced over at my husband who was fishing and God whispered to my spirit “I am with him too”.  This same sun that was warming me on this rock as I read my book, was shining on my husband as he cast his fishing pole.  The Son of God shines on all things at once.  We are all unique individuals with different interest, gifts, talents and hobbies; and God loves us all equally.  I reflected back on how many times I had allowed our (Bryan and I) differences to be a hinderance to Our togetherness.  Yet our differences could be the very thing God was using to make a beautiful tapestry called marriage.  You see God doesn’t need us to be the exact same. Not at all! He needs us to be who He created us to be and allow the brightness of His love to connect us in a way that the world cannot take away.  When we are being plugged into the spirit individually, we can then come together collectively and conquer the world!  The key to it all is finding your stillness, whatever that looks like for you and within that stillness finding God.

I was so energized and overwhelmed at how God had once again preserved a special place for us to find where we could coexist with our different forms of relaxation and meet the same savior who spoke to us both where we were.    I wanted to stay on that rock indefinitely!  It was peaceful here. Bryan had finished fishing and was coming my way to join me on my rock.  I  finished the last few pages of my book and we sat together on this rock taking in the beauty that was surrounding us and the peace that was enveloping our marriage.   Bryan recorded the sounds of the water flowing and I took in the moment and all that God had said to my spirit.  I tucked it away in my heart.  We grabbed our things and headed back to the car.

In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks.  John Muir

That had definitely been my experience.  I went in search of a quiet place on the water to read my book and found a stillness that revealed the presence of the Spirit of God that my busyness had been drowning out.

Take some time this week to find your stillness.  It does not always look like a rock in the sun.  It can be a cup of coffee on the porch before sunrise.   A stroll on the beach.  A walk around your neighborhood.  Whatever your unique thing is that helps you find relaxation and cleansing of mind, do that and find a beautifully refreshing moment in the midst of your hectic life.

“ But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as by the spirit of the Lord.”  2 Corinthians 3:18 (NKJV)

What I learned around the campfire

“Live in me. Make your home in me just as I do in you. In the same way that a branch can’t bear grapes by itself but only by being joined to the vine, you can’t bear fruit unless you are joined with me.”  John 15:4 (The Message)

The enemies number one goal is to Kill, steal and destroy all that God intends for us to enjoy.   Just like John 15:4 tells us, if we are disconnected from Christ then we are unable to produce fruit in our lives.  Therefore, the enemy slithers through our lives distracting us from spending time living in Christ, just as He lives in us.   When you are distracted and caught up in the things of this world you don’t even realize how disconnected you are from Christ.    You realize you are exhausted, frustrated, unable to achieve all you believe needs to be achieved in order to deem your self a success in life.   However, you don’t correlate that back to being disconnected from Christ.

A few weeks ago I stepped outside of the craziness called my life,  with just a tent and my hubby we retreated to a location where “no signal” was the only message we could receive on our cell phones.  As we sat quietly and peacefully around the campfire an amazing thing began to transpire.   We were actually having a real conversation.  It was in that moment that I began to realize just how easily we can be deceived.   There are so many demands that this world places on us and so many traps we have fallen into that require a lot of time and energy to work ourselves back out of.  In the midst of that it is easy to get caught up in the merry go around of life.  Going through each day robotically doing what needs to be done; crawling into bed exhausted at the end of the day only to wake up and repeat.   Our marriages can become more of a business partnership,where we check in with each other to see if all is being accomplished, rather than an intimate partnership that God designed them to be.

”So  then they are no longer two, but one flesh “ Mark 10:8

If we want to have true joy and balance in our marriages then we have to be connected to the Vine, Jesus Christ.   Outside of that connection we are nothing more than dead branches that will eventually fall to the wayside and ultimately be destroyed.

As we sat there talking, not superficially but deeply, about the things that were in our heart and minds I felt security and love.  As we laughed, talked and connected I felt my spinning head start to find some clarity.  I felt as if I had finally stepped off the merry go around called life and was able to take a breath and truly grasp the beauty of my current situation.  I gained clarity and insight into the tactics the enemy had used to keep me distant and confused; making it so easy to plant seeds of doubt and discontentment in my mind that was working its way into my heart.  The glow of this campfire was illuminating more than the darkness of the night, it was illuminating the truth I had been so deceitfully lured away from.   It was’nt my camping trip or this campfire that was making all of this possible.  No, it had always been there waiting on me.  You see God never changes.  He is not elusive.  He does not play hide and seek.  He is always present.  In all things.  Through all things. In spite of all things.  We just have to be connected to Him so that we are not distracted by the things of this world which are superficial and fading; but are aware of the eternal promises that never change.  No matter what, we are a part of a bigger picture.  One that does not require our efforts or expertise.  One that cannot be measures by worldly standards.  In the bigger picture, our success is measured by our surrender.  It is only in the place of complete surrender, to a God who is abiding within us and wants us to abide in Him as well, that we can find fulfillment.

“As the Father loved Me, I also have loved you; abide in my love.”  John 15:9

I could not stay at that campsite indefinitely basking in this new found connection with my God and my husband; the beautiful truth is I do not have to.  This experience was something available to me on a daily basis I only need to choose it.  This revolution has brought me to the conclusion that when I find myself overwhelmed, frustrated, feeling disconnected from any stable ground; I will step off the merry go around called life and chose to abide with the Vine that can restore my life.   I will take the time with my husband and connect on a deeper more intimate level as God so desires for us.  Phones can be turned off.  Seriously, you will survive I promise.   Find that place of disconnect whatever that may look like for you.  Intentionally chose to first and foremost connect with your Heavenly Father and then allow that to follow in your relationships.

Find some “campfire time” and renew your mind, body and soul.   You were made for so much more than what this world has to offer.  All of your efforts to find validation and happiness from its source will leave you depleted!  Choose life.  Choose love.  Abide within the love of the savior and find  life in all its fullness.


What I learned camping – Part 1

What better way to spend a long holiday weekend than camping?  Nothing, as long as you have reserved a site on the last holiday weekend of the season.  Our last minute decision to take advantage of the upcoming long weekend left me pessimistic that we would be able to find a campsite available on such a popular camping weekend.  My husband however, insisted that we give it a try, sure that we could find something.  My type A personality had me agreeing to go with my husbands “fly by the seat of your pants” philosophy, with an attitude of “let me show you how this is so not going to work out”.   Little did I know that I was in for a lesson I was not anticipating at all!

Friday morning at work we were discussing our long weekend plans, when ask what we had planned I shared that we were going camping.  Where are you going they ask?  Wherever we can get a site I chuckled.  Then the lesson began with these seemingly simple and innocent words… “sometimes those are the best kinds of trips”.  I am not sure why that simple statement shifted my thinking but it triggered something inside of me to click on a more positive switch and see that if this weekend was meant to be, then God had already prepared the perfect spot. All we had to do was go into action and claim what was ours for the weekend.

I had been participating in a 21 days of prayer challenge that our Church was undergoing and had a prayer partner that was helping hold me accountable and encouraging me in this habit forming endeavor.  She had text me that morning and ask how can I pray for you today?  I ask that she pray for a rejuvenating weekend for Bryan and I.  We are going camping, if we can find a site, I pessimistically responded.   Her response was that she would definitely be praying. “You will find the perfect spot and make great memories” was her claim.  I really started thinking I have often claimed that God cares about the details of our lives; I have even experienced it many times in the past. Oh, how easy it is to forget what we know from experience to be true and instead get hindered by the dark clouds of negativity, complacency and worldly thoughts.  Humm…could she be right?  Could God have a refreshing weekend all mapped out for us?  I began to open my heart and mind  to the possibility that God, in all His sovereignty, wanted the same thing we did in our marriage, some rest, refreshing and rejuvenation. Only time would tell.

I ended up having to stay late and close the office on Friday, churning up my doubt that we were going to pull this “finding a decent camping site” off at all.  I closed the office, got to my car and text my husband that I was finally on my way home!  There was no response which I found unusual, especially since he had to be pacing waiting on me to get home as time was ticking and the good sites were being gobbled up my the second!  I took a deep breath and turned up my worship music.  This chic needed an attitude adjustment and a little peace of mind.  Then a thought ran through my mind. Maybe Bryan was not answering me because he was at the campground getting us a site; there is no phone signal there.  Could that be it!?   I arrived at home to find my husbands car was not there.  I went in and ran up stairs to see if the tent bag was still here.  It was missing!  Do we have a site? Seconds later a text message came in from Bryan as he told me he was headed back, we had a site, tent was set, this weekend was happening!

Bryan came home and we loaded up our supplies for the weekend, ate our dinner and headed to Standing Indian for a relaxing and refreshing weekend.  Woot! Woot!  My attitude had now shifted to a child like excitement!  Did we get a good site honey?  We are in the back in a private spot and you can hear water running at the site. Of course you did, I thought quietly to myself.  On the busiest weekend, you found the perfect spot for relaxation and refreshing.  In the midst of a campground swarming with families embracing the last summer holiday weekend; we found serenity and our own little slice of heaven on earth.  Only by the favor of the Lord could all of this have fallen into place.  My heart was bursting with gratitude and delight as all my negativity and doubt faded away and was replaced with a feeling of love that existed just for me, in spite of me and I wanted to drink in every last drop of it this weekend.

I share this story, which seems from a worldly perspective very insignificant and frivolous: To illuminate the truth and the light that shines in so many areas of our lives that we overlook as insignificant and therefore, miss great yet small opportunities to have a little taste of God’s goodness in the palate of our lives.   But, by the grace of God, this opportunity would have been missed by me.  It would have been typical of me to have refused to participate in such a poor planned weekend.  Clutching the belief that it was impossible to think you could find any decent camping site on the Friday afternoon of Labor Day weekend. Therefore, not even making the attempt.  Hind site now shows me what an incredible blessing I would have thrown away if that had remained my attitude.  You see the blessing was always there whether I choose to embrace it or not.  It got me to thinking.  How many blessings has God so lovingly prepared for me each day? How many blessings have I overlooked or just completely ran passed in my striving to achieve the next thing I believe will make me happy and fulfilled?

Can we go through life “by the seat of our pants” always and it will work out?  Absolutely not!  What we can count on however, is that if we are not willing to be open to the impossible, we will never experience the little blessings, like this weekend, that God sprinkles into different areas and seasons of our lives.  We need to remember the truths God has told us he wants us to experience in life.

The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy.  I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.  John 10:10

Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.  Take My yolk upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.  For my yoke is easy and My burden is light.   Matthew 11:28-30

Delight yourself also in the Lord, And He shall give you the desires of your heart. Commit your way to the Lord, Trust also in Him, And He shall bring it to pass.  Psalm 37:4-5

These three truths were poured into our Lives this weekend.  The enemy comes to kill, steal and destroy.  The enemy is the one who wants you to be negative, complacent and full of worldly thoughts. If I had stayed there, I would have missed the abundant life God had in store for me.  God then fulfilled the promise come to me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.  Then as I began to delight in the Lord, even If intermittently, he gave me the desires of my heart!  A tucked away site, surrounded by trees and a peaceful creek of running water to lull me to sleep.  He knows me so well!

What blessings or fulfillment of truth and promise could you be missing out on today?  Open your heart and mind to the possibilities; then take actions/steps to see if you can find your little slice of heaven in the midst of this crazy, noisy world.   You have nothing to lose and everything to gain!!