Monthly Archives: January 2018

Do you need a little SONshine

As I sit at home on this “snow day” looking out the window at the sun glistening on the white snow covered ground, it makes me think about the power of the sun/Son.

Being that I am a Florida girl, born and raised in the Sunshine state, sun is a very essential ingredient to my happiness.  I can overcome more obstacles accompanied by sunshine than those that are encompassed by a cloudy day. My very mood and personality can be greatly altered by several days with lack of sunshine.  I am often complexed over how this bright  object in the sky can have such a relevant impact on my everyday existence.  It is as if I am solar charged. Lack of sunshine means lack of energy and motivation.  Cold weather becomes more bearable with a little sunshine in the mix.  Crazy to think but if given the choice of a 50 degree day that is cloudy and dreary or a 30 degree day with sunshine I would take the sunshine every time.

This got me thinking about the need for the “Son” in our lives.  The “Son” is the only way to find true happiness;   after all the “Son” is the truth, the life and the way!  A life filled with the “Son” makes the storms we find in our lives more bearable.  The “Son” provides hope and joy in the midst of hard places.  I would much rather go through a troubled life with the “Son” than  have to walk through life without Him.  The “Son” also illuminates life and shows us the things otherwise hidden by the darkness.  The “Son” reflects the beauty in all things.

We can choose to allow our life to be like a cloudy day, only seeing the gray side of things or we can choose to allow our life to be illuminated by the “Son”.

“That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give to you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him, the eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that you may know what is the hope of His calling, what are the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints, and what is the exceeding greatness of His power toward us who believe, according to the working of His mighty power.”  Ephesians 1:17-19

The “Son” is our source of endless energy and boundless strength! If we will allow Him, we will be filled with wisdom and revelation bringing enlightenment to our paths.  His word is our source of light and fulfillment. We need to spend time not speed reading through it’s pages, but grazing on each and every word allowing the spirit to give us spiritual wisdom and understanding.  Then the “son” will replace our cloudy days bringing hope and joy back into our lives.

Do you need a little more SON-shine in your life?  Are your days cloudy and dreary showing no signs of hope?  Open your Bible and let the “Son” shine in!